Sunday, November 14, 2010

"The Bear Necessities" Chapter 9.

I realize that some of my useful tips and tricks can get lost in all the 'filler writing' I've put into my posts. So to clarify, I'm posting this new chapter which is entitled "The Bear Necessities" (aint I clever?) It's meant to detail all of the very necessary items you will need to stock up on shortly after first stepping into your apartment. I'm only giving you a list that I personally compiled through my expierience (brand names can definitely vary depending on current sale prices). Also, if you are arriving by car and can bring these items along, that's great.
-Brita Water Filter (pitcher). *faucet applications are not permitted.
-Personal stock of bowls and cups . *helps identify your dirty/clean dishes from the rest.
-Cold items bag. *if you frequently purchase freezer items.
-Sponge or scrub brush.
-Dishwasher soap.
-Lunch box/bag.
-Cold packs. *for cold luches.
-Cheap tupperware containers.
-Ziplock bags.
-Garbage can liners.
-(various non perishable foods).
-Small trash can.
-(2) Collapsable laundry bins.
-Clothes hangers.
-Coin jar.
-Folders, notebooks and binders. *Disney has soooo many free pens.
-Alarm clock.
-Desk lamp.
-Combination lock. *for your personal storage locker.
-Dry erase board/planner/calender.
-Large bottle of asprin. *you'll see why.
-Cough syrup and throat lazenges (or theraflu capsules). *you will be ill at some point.
-Hand santitizer. *for obvious reasons.
With all this close at hand you won't likely have to run on a last minute errand especially when you're feeling sick or just dead tired. Some of these items I found especally useful since I never thought to bring or buy one in the first place which meant I was making waaaay too many trips to walmart. During your first week there may not be much time at all to shop and I know it's a lot to aquire in a short time. But anything you get from this list will be usefull enough I guarantee.
I would probably put the water filter on priority because I found that Florida water is a bit funky tasting.

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